This past week’s coding went well. Again, we paired off and I got to work with Courtney. We had to ask Scott of couple of questions, but after Thursday night’s class we felt that we really had achieved something. Courtney and I got together again Friday, before a Shakespeare event that we both were attending, and we made our way completely through the individual elements leading up to the NotPacMan game. The rest of the work we had remaining after Friday consisted only of simply integrating it all together.

At this point, I can only echo what everyone else is saying in that this has been a terrific experience: Todd, Aden, and Noah. Being sick for two weeks really put me behind in all of my work—dailies and reading. I’m getting caught up though I haven’t created pull requests yet for most of my work. I finally got the last daily from the bubbles sequence finished—the one where you create your own shapes.

Here is an image of this drawing:


The static image, of course, doesn’t do it justice as I have the stars moving around slightly and changing colors. I know it’s silly, but I’m really am pretty proud of this.

My concern as we are heading into the break (and oh God I need this break time), is that the end of the semester is quickly approaching. I came into this class with a clear understanding of what I wanted to achieve—and I’m nowhere close to achieving my goals. I just seem to be keeping my head above water with all of the work for the classes I am taking (not just Scott’s) I’m trying to figure out how best to proceed at this point and I am feeling more anxious with every passing day.

Still, getting caught up makes me feel better; I just need to find a way to move forward farther and faster.